
Genuine investment partnerships


Flexible and pragmatic funding solutions


Experienced, ambitious decision makers


Our Track Record.

In working with CWEBI, teams that we partner with benefit from highly experienced investors that are ambitious, thoughtful, supportive, honest, agile and flexible.

As the original UK partnership investor our unique approach has been carefully developed and honed over our 23 year track record to create highly deliverable, well aligned investments as either a minority or majority partner for like-minded entrepreneurs.

We respect the entrepreneurial success that has been achieved to date in the outstanding companies that we work with whilst bringing valuable strategic support, developed through 46 partnership investments to date, all tailored to the needs of the business using our Growth Toolkit approach.

Where we Specialise.

We have a distinctive investment approach providing flexible funding solutions and typically providing all the funding for a transaction. This has enabled our exceptional track record of delivering the deal solutions we create.

£ 30 m
Our typical investment size.
30-60 %
Our typical flexible equity shareholding range.
£20- 60 m
Enterprise Value.
Doing the right thing.

Our Role in Sustainable Investing

We have always believed in doing the right thing in all our activities. To help build sustainable businesses for the long term.

We make sure that we make a positive contribution to society working with our investment portfolio teams and in our own organisation.

We have created our own Sustainable Investment Framework that includes focused practical actions to help people development, society, the environment and positive business disciplines.

We are committed to ensuring that we invest in a socially responsible manner, from pre-investment screening though to proactive, post-deal management.

Each portfolio business has a Board member tasked with championing ESG issues to ensure that environmental, ethical and social issues remain at the heart of everyday thinking.

CWEBI supports Impetus Private Equity Foundation, which helps to transform the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds by ensuring they get the right support to succeed in school, in work and in life.

We are committed to ensuring that, when we act for our investors, it is in their best financial interests but also balances sustainability considerations.

We are a signatory to the UN Principles of Responsible Investment and are rated A/A in our most recent assessment.

We are an Article 8 Fund under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, as a further commitment to promote good business practice across environmental, social and governance matters.